In the present time, almost mouse, whether they are wired or wireless, use USB as the interface to the computer. The older computers might use PS/2 or serial ports. If you have a wireless mouse, it could be communicating over Bluetooth, Radio Frequency(RF), or even Infrared(IR). To move ahead, select your connection type from the list and then follow the steps to connect and install the mouse to Mac or Windows.
How to Connect a Wireless USB Mouse
Cordless mousse have a port that is like a small receiver to communicate with the mouse. The receiver connects to a computer via a USB port.
Search for the USB port on the backside of your computer’s side and plug in the receiver.
When the wireless receiver is connected to the computer, Windows or macOS will spontaneously search and install for the befitting driver. It depends on the mouse’s brand that your computer might need to connect to the Internet to install the drivers spontaneously.
Please reassure that there are batteries in the mouse or charged before connecting, or else it won’t work.
Then, verify that the mouse is turned on. Many wireless devices have a power on or off button on the bottom side.
How to Connect a Wired USB Mouse
Connect the USB cable from the mouse to one of the USB ports on the computer’s back or right side. If you are utilizing a USB port hub, you will have to connect the mouse cable.
When the mouse is connected, the system will spontaneously install the driver and will give basic functionality. If the mouse you are using has any particular functionality, then the additional software should be installed.
How to Connect a Bluetooth Mouse
You can connect bluetooth mouse to a computer using the signals and wirelessly. The computer must have a built-in Bluetooth or should have a Bluetooth adapter connected to it.
Follow the steps written below to connect your Bluetooth Mouse-
1. Open the Bluetooth settings on your computer and make sure that Bluetooth is turned on. If Bluetooth is on, the icon will be shown in the notification bar.
2. Switch on the mouse if it has an ON/OFF switch. Check the Bluetooth utility to check if it detects the Bluetooth mouse.
3. When the Bluetooth of your system has detected the mouse, select the name of your mouse from the list and then click on pair. And you are done; the mouse is paired successfully.
How to Connect a PS/2 Mouse
Connect the mouse’s cable to the green-colored PS/2 port present on the back of the computer. If your computer’s PS/2 port or ports are not colored, so for the information, the mouse port is the first port from the left side of your computer.
After the mouse is connected, the computer will automatically install the drivers and give the basic functionality. If the mouse you are connecting has some extra functions, you will have to install additional software.
How to Connect a Serial Mouse
Connect the mouse to the serial port that is on the backside of the computer. If your computer has more than one serial port, I suggest connecting the mouse to the first port. When the mouse is connected, depending on the computer setup, it might be required to configure the mouse COM port in the BIOS setup.
In the present times, most computers do not have a serial port. Most of the serial mouses are specialized, so you will have to install the software included with the mouse or the mouse manufacturer’s website if you are using one of those.
How to enter BIOS or CMOS Setup?
Every computer gives a way to open BIOS or CMOS Setup. This interface permits you to configure the basic settings of your computer.
I am listing the ways to access your computer’s BIOS setup-
New Computers
Computers made in recent times allows you to enter the BIOS setup using one of the keys given below during the boot process-
1. F1
2. F2 *
3. F10 **
4. Del
5. Esc
Setup keys should be pressed when the system is restarting. The older computers will show the pop-up message of when to press the F1 and F2 keys.
Once you have successfully entered the setup window, a screen same as shown below will be displayed. The CMOS Display will be different, depending on the manufacturer. But many of the options and information will be the same.
Older Computer
The older computers had many ways to enter the BIOS setup menu. Below are some of the ways to enter the BIOS setup-
1. Ctrl+Alt+Esc
2. Ctrl+Alt+Ins
3. Ctrl+Alt+Enter
4. Ctrl+Alt+S
5. Page Up Key
6. Page Down Key
I hope now you will be able to connect your mouse to your PC without any difficulties.
Thank you so much for reading.
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